Friday, February 8, 2008

Diving in

Well, here I go. This whole blog thing seems so intimidating to me. Each time I go to start, I read someone else's bog and think, there's no way I can do anything close to that. But then I realized I need to get over it and just try it out. So here it is.

I can not promise constancy, entertainment, great stories or information, but I figure give it a month or so, and if I don't have to hide my face in public after that, maybe just maybe I can include myself in the blog world which I so desire to be apart of. Oh and by the way, I am a big dork too!!:)

The journey begins....


Michal said...

yeah! welcome to the blog world. don't be scared. you'll be fine.
by the way, your profile says that you enjoy severing the YW in the ward (as in removing their limbs with a sharp or blunt object.) you might want to edit that bit!

Nicolette said...

That was fast:) Leave it to my inspiration for creating a blog to comment first, thanks! And thanks for the heads up on the profile. That's not a good impression to leave, even though sometimes I'd like to sever some of their limbs:)