Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nature Loving Mama

I have always had a thing for clouds. I don't know what it is, but sunsets and sunrises are the most breath taking, and inspiring thing in nature to me. I love the different shapes and textures of the clouds, the colors and variations. It's just always been a thing of mine. I find myself calling my husband or my mom on occasion telling them to run outside on look at the clouds. I hope they don't mind... I am just sharing my joy, even if it's at 6 am (sorry Mom).

So you can imagine my delight this weekend as we had wonderful fall weather and a storm even moved in. I was out Saturday morning making a mad dash to the store before Ty's soccer game. I looked up and saw a ominous cloud closing in on Roseville. But the part that took my breath away was the point that this huge gray mass, which was blanketing the sky, met a sea of blue with the sun clasping on to it's sky with all it's might. The clash was beautiful, and unfortunately I only had my phone with me to capture the moment, but this is what I got.

As I zoomed home, trying to watch the road, but finding my eyes drifting upwards more often then I should, I watch the battle of dark and light ensue. As I reached my home, the battle was nearly won.

After the soccer game it had finished, and the grey sheet concealed the sky leaving a silver lining in its wake. It was a radiant show to all who witnessed it. Thank you nature for all you many wonders.

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