Saturday, May 9, 2009


Our family plans for the evening started out as visiting the Strawberry Festival here in town. After a whole 5 minutes of being there, we asked for our money back and left. I didn't even see one strawberry except the balloon flying solo at the entrance. They apparently need a new event planner for the strawberry festival.

We then stood outside with disappointed kids and a few hours to kill before bed. Eric and I decided an impromptu game of mini-golf was just the cure for a evening like this, so off we went.

I know Ty has done mini-golf a few times, but Tanner has only been once or twice. Austin was as always a trooper and never once made a sound, just watched all the sights. I obviously had some fun with my camera, (fair warning... lots of family pictures to follow). Ty was really good. He would square up, hold the club right, and almost always get the ball in under 6 strokes, sometimes in just a few. Tanner could really care less about the over all point of the game, but he sure liked to whack the ball when it was his turn. We ended the perfect evening with some ice cream for the boys.

I love having family time, and it's an added plus when everyone behaves and has a great time. It makes me actually want to do it again. Even though it turned out to be a later evening than planned, I would so do this day again. Thanks strawberry festival for being so lame so we could have a BLAST at mini-golf.

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