Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Fever

It's 11am and a beautiful 48 degrees, sunny spring morning. I had planned on taking the boys to the park today but because of my silly, non-working car, we aren't going any where. So around 10 I sent the boys out to play and told them we would water our garden in a little bit.

Well apparently they missed the "in a little bit" part and when I came out from putting laundry away this is what I found.

This only went on for about 10 min. until Ty started crying for me to bring him in as he was shaking because he was too cold. Besides the aftermath and realization that maybe it's not time to play in the water just yet they had a great time.


Alexis said...

Your garden looks so good!

Tanja said...

There's some connection between kids playing & water to the rear end...haven't quite figured it out yet. But, I know my kids are fond of it also!